Mar 22, 2009
Prototypes Ready!
Finally the Roland 650 gave us our cars milled and ready to sand. Unfortunately we weren't able to program the CNC machine for the finishing process due to other people wanting to use the machine. This finishing process would make the surface of the wood smoother so we wouldn't have to sand that much, but the Roland did a pretty good job, so it's okay.

Here are some pictures of them:

With the big wood block holding our 4 prototype cars, we should cut out each of them and start sanding. Once we get the surface we want, the car is ready to be thermoformed using PET (polyethylene). This transparent plastic will join to the wood through a process of heat and pressured air. Having the cars made of plastic will allow us to paint them in an easier way.
posted by Ricardo @ 11:24 PM  

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