Feb 28, 2009
VisCAM View
VisCAM View is a free software developed by Marcam Engineering, that allows us to validate, measure and communicate STL files with CNC machinery.
The software offers a friendly-user interface that makes it simpler to check our files.

As the screenshot shows, the software has very few icons and tools that help us know if the file is rightly modeled.
To have a perfect model, the file must contain 0 unmatched edges. This means that there won't be problems milling it.
posted by Ricardo @ 9:55 AM   0 comments
Feb 25, 2009

By this point we have a .3dm (Rhinoceros) file of the lines (in black) we got from the scanning process. This curves will help as a guide of the actual dimensions of the car. We can decide either to modify these lines by moving the control points or to retrace them in a new layer to get newer and more accurate lines.

The retraced lines (in red) are the new ones and work as a more precise outline to start the modifying process.
posted by Ricardo @ 8:06 AM   0 comments
Feb 18, 2009
After knowing both reverse engineering processes (scanning) we are now ready to do some mods to the car. Before going directly to the computer, it is necessary to conceptualize our ideas through sketching. The versatility of ink and paper allows us to transport our ideas in an easier way, rather than design in the computer.

posted by Ricardo @ 1:28 PM   0 comments
Feb 11, 2009
Roland MDX-20 Last Steps
These are a few screenshots of the scanning with the Roland MDX-20 progress:

By dragging the squares we control the scanning area and dimensions

The progress bar in Dr. Picza software shows the percentage left for the model to be completely generated

Whenever the process is completed we get a model like the shown below. Now it is ready to export as an IGES file to manage it with any 3D software.

The model we got, as an IGES file in Alias Studio
posted by Ricardo @ 9:50 AM   0 comments
Feb 3, 2009
Reverse Engineering
During this session we started the reverse engineering process by scanning our toy car's parts by two different methods. This procedure was done by disassembling the main cover from the bottom with the mechanism. Once the screws were removed and the car was now divided into two parts, we took the cover and marked it with a pattern of grey tape stripes, in order to have a reference to identify the main points of the geometry so the scanning could be the most accurate possible.

MicroScribe 3D Digitizer.

After completing these previous steps, we are ready to scan with the MicroScribe 3D Digitizer:

1. First, the object is placed on the base with tape on the bottom so it doesn't move during the scanning.

2. Now we can start scanning by touching the main points of the object with the Digitizer's pointer.

3. We are able to control the points we want the computer to register by pressing the right pedal of the Digitizer (the left pedal's function is to activate or deactivate the scanning command).

4. Once we are done digitizing the object, we get in the computer something similar to the one we previously marked with stripes.

With these lines we can now have a good digital reference of the object to start creating surfaces and a virtual model of it.

Roland MDX-20 Modela

This is the other scanning process used for reverse engineering. This kind of digitizing is more accurate, so it takes longer.
In this case, the MDX-20 will be used to scan the inner part of the car's main cover.

1. We start by placing the object on the inside of the scanner with a special re-usable clay provided with the machine.

2. Now we use the Dr. Picza software to control the scanning properties and tell the machine what we exactly want.

3. Whenever it starts scanning, the needle moves around the object detecting specific points to generate a 3D model of the object.

4. Once the digitizing process is completed we save the file as IGES to be able to work with it in any 3D software.
posted by Ricardo @ 1:00 PM   0 comments
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Name: Ricardo
Home: Querétaro, Mexico
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