Mar 27, 2009
New Process

By this point we are still sanding our wood models to make them perfect for the thermoforming process. In the meantime we are now learning a new rapid prototyping process (the coolest for me) called 3D Printing. This process is done by a device similar to a washing machine in dimensions, that works with a special dust and a resin to compose physical models from a 3D file.

Like previous processes we had studied before, this one requires a 3D Model generated by any 3D/CAD software. Then we validate it with another software to be sure the model is correct and to realize how much material is required and avoid the waste of it. When we hit the print button, this machine starts applying layers of resin to the dust in order to build the volume. The machine is a 3D Printer from the ZCorporation Company.
The main purpose of this prototyping technique is to make complex physical models that usually would take us much money and time to do.

This was just a brief explanation of 3D Printing, but I will emphasize deeper in this topic when we start using this process.
posted by Ricardo @ 5:53 PM  

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